By Steve Seepersaud
The end of one year and start of another can be a chance to reinvent ourselves and chase a new goal. We asked alumni to share their New Year’s resolutions with us. See what some of your peers are hoping to achieve in 2020!
Robert Hoover ’76
Create art daily, exercise four times per week, stay healthy, be kind, help others
with their life's work, listen more to others and help them feel good about themselves.
Dina Towbin ’79
Be happy, wealthy in friendship and love, and wise. Enjoy life.
Jeremy Warren ’93
Contribute more, fixate less, and stay in the moment.
Jamie Jacobs ’06
Take a self-defense class. Meal prep more. Worry less.
Kamani Jefferson ’12
Keep learning and lobbying. Turn 30 in the mother land.
Madeleine Flick ’16
I am hoping to prosper in a new position within a totally different field and see
this risky and exciting career decision pay off. Focus on professional development
and personal development, growing my knowledge in both like a weed!
Jamila Gordon ’16
My buzz word for 2020 is “trust!” This will be the pillar of my thoughts and actions.
Trust in myself, my colleagues, friends, chosen family, skills, work ethic, career,
and so on.
Becca Lisoski ’16, MBA ’17
Find someone to mentor!
Jessica Nejeschleba ’16, MPA ’17
The only New Year’s resolution I’m going to try and tackle is eliminating sweet foods.
I’m getting married in June so I need to cut some unhealthy foods and that’s where
I’m going to start.
Eric Lee ’22
To not be afraid to ask for help when I need it.