Anthropology Faculty

Louis C. Alvarado, PRODiG Research Fellow

PhD, University of New Mexico

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program

Specialty: Human evolutionary ecology; Social endocrinology; Health disparities

Reinhard W. Bernbeck, Professor Emeritus

PhD, Freie Universität, Berlin


Abagail Breidenstein, Lecturer

PhD. University of Michigan

Specialty: bioarchaeology of the Nile Valley, growth and development, ancient DNA

Charles R. Cobb, Professor Emeritus

PhD, Southern Illinois University

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2004-2005

Elizabeth A. DiGangi, Associate Professor

BS, MS, University at Buffalo (SUNY); PhD, University of Tennessee

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program; Human Rights Institute (HRI); Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention (I-GMAP); Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program (LACAS)

Specialty: Health and disease; biological standards validation/development in forensic anthropology; human rights; bioarchaeology of impairment; Columbia; Prehistoric Andes; Southeast US

Deborah A. Elliston, Assistant Professor

BA, Macalester College; MA, PhD, New York University

Affiliated: Ellyn Uram Kaschak Institute for Social Justice for Women and Girls; Human Rights Institute (HRI); Religious Studies; Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program (WGSS)

Specialty: Feminist anthropology; sexuality studies; queer theory; postcolonial theory; nationalism; modernity; Oceania/Pacific

Matthew V. Emery, Research Assistant Professor

BA, Western University; MA, PhD, McMaster University

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program

Specialty: ancient DNA, forensic genomics, bioarcheology, stable isotopes, mobility and migration, molecular anthropology

Carmen A. Ferradás, Associate Professor

MPhil, PhD, The City University of New York (CUNY)

Affiliated: Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program (LACAS); Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program (WGSS)

Specialty: Anthropology and development; communication and power; social movements; urban anthropology; Latin America

Ralph M. Garruto, SUNY Honorary Distinguished Professor

BS, MA, PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program; Evolutionary Studies Program (EvoS); First-Year Research Immersion (FRI); Master of Public Health Program (MPH); Tick-borne Diseases Research Center

Specialty: Biomedical anthropology and neurosciences

Provost's Award for Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring, 2015-2016

Douglas J. Glick, Associate Professor

BA, Hamilton College; MA, PhD, University of Chicago

Affiliated: Center for Israel Studies (CIS-ISR); Evolutionary Studies Program (EvoS); Linguistics Program; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)

Specialty: Linguistic anthropology; semiotics; mass media

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012-2013

Douglas R. Holmes, SUNY Distinguished Professor

BA, Bennington College; MA, PhD, Stony Brook University (SUNY)

Affiliated: Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH); Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention (I-GMAP)

Specialty: Political economy of European integration; central banking in the US and Europe

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2013-2014

William H. Isbell, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus

PhD, University of Illinois


Sebastien C.P. Lacombe, Research Assistant Professor

BS, MS, PhD, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail

Specialty: Archaeopetrography; lithic analysis and sourcing; landscape archaeology; experimental archaeology; CRM; prehistoric Europe

BrieAnna S. Langlie Mixter, Associate Professor

BA, University of California at Berkeley; MA, PhD, Washington University in Saint Louis

Affiliated: Environmental Studies Program; Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program (LACAS); Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CEMERS)

Specialty: Paleoethnobotany and landscape archaeology in the Andes Mountains of South America

Carl P. Lipo, Professor

PhD, University of Washington

Affiliated: Center for Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems (CoCo); Center for Imaging, Acoustics and Perception Science (CIAPS); Center for Integrated Watershed Studies (CIWS); Environmental Studies Program; Evolutionary Studies Program (EvoS); First-Year Research Immersion (FRI)

Specialty: Cultural change of human populations

Michael A. Little, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus

PhD, Pennsylvania State University


Jeffrey K. Lum, Professor

BA, University of California at Berkeley; PhD, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Affiliated: Biochemistry Program; Biomedical Anthropology Program; Center for Korean Studies (CKS); First-Year Research Immersion (FRI)

Specialty: Molecular anthropology; forensic genetics; malaria; epidemiology

Randall H. McGuire, SUNY Distinguished Professor

BA, University of Texas; MA, PhD, University of Arizona

Affiliated: Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies Program (LACAS)

Specialty: Archaeology; social theory; historical archaeology; US Southwest; Northern Mexico

University Award for Excellence in Research, 1996-1997; Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1991-1992

D. Andrew Merriwether, Professor

BA, BS, MA, Pennsylvania State University; PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program; Evolutionary Studies Program (EvoS); First-Year Research Immersion (FRI); Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention (I-GMAP); Master of Public Health Program (MPH)

Specialty: Molecular anthropology; ancient DNA; origins of domestication; peopling of new landscapes; forensic DNA; population genetics; molecular evolution

David Mixter, Research Assistant Professor

BA, Yale University; PhD, Washington University - St. Louis

Affiliated: Environmental Studies Program

Specialty: Societal collapse and regeneration; collective memory; archaeology of communities; ancient Maya; geographic information systems (GIS)

Richard U. Moench, Associate Professor Emeritus

PhD, Harvard University


Safia K. Mohsen, Associate Professor Emerita

PhD, Michigan State University


Maria J. O'Donovan, Adjunct Lecturer

BA, (SUNY); MA, University of Arizona; PhD, (SUNY)

Affiliated: Public Archaeology Facility (PAF)

Specialty: Cultural Resource Management and Heritage, Historical and Contemporary Archaeology, Northeastern United States, Social Theory, Landscape

Lubna Omar Olesch, Lecturer

BA, Damascus University; MA, PhD, Kyoto University

Affiliated: Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CEMERS); Human Rights Institute (HRI)

Specialty: Zooarchaeology; Near East archaeology; animal-human relationships; early Urbanism and Paleo-economies

William V. Pavlovich, Lecturer

BA, University at Buffalo; MA,

Affiliated: Global Studies Program

Specialty: Global studies, anthropology

Sabina M. Perrino, Associate Professor

PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Affiliated: Human Rights Institute (HRI); Linguistics Program; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)

Specialty: Language use in ethnomedical encounters and political speeches; Oral narratives as discursive practices; Racialized language in everyday conversation; Spatiotemporal relations (chronotope); Research methods in Linguistic Anthropology; Fitness Cultures and Practices

Susan Pollock, Professor Emerita

PhD, University of Michigan


Rolf Quam, Professor

BA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; MA, Northern Illinois University; PhD, (SUNY)

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program; Evolutionary Studies Program (EvoS)

Specialty: Paleoanthropology

Joshua Reno, Professor

BA, Cornell University; PhD, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

Affiliated: Environmental Studies Program; Translation Research and Instruction Program (TRIP)

Specialty: Environment, science and technology studies; semiotics; material culture; North America; United Kingdom

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2020-2021

Philip G. Rightmire, SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus

PhD, University of Wisconsin

University Award for Excellence in Research, 1990-1991

Deborah Schechter, Instructor

BS, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; PhD, University of Washington

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program

Laure Spake, Assistant Professor

PhD, Simon Fraser University

Specialty: Growth and development, skeletal biology, quantitative methods

Peter W. Stahl, Professor Emeritus

PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Ann B. Stahl, Professor Emerita

PhD, University of California at Berkeley

Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1996-1997

Kathleen A. Sterling, Associate Professor

BA, Harvard University; MA, PhD, University of California at Berkeley

Affiliated: Ellyn Uram Kaschak Institute for Social Justice for Women and Girls; Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program (WGSS)

Specialty: Lithic analysis; feminism and gender; communities of practice; sociopolitics of archaeology; ethics of archaeology; Prehistoric Europe

Provost's Award for Outstanding Graduate Director, 2020-2021

H. Stephen Straight, Professor Emeritus

PhD, University of Chicago

Council/Foundation Award, 2009; Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1995-1996

Ruth M. VanDyke, Professor

BA, University of Texas at Austin; MA, PhD, University of Arizona

Specialty: Archaeology of the indigenous Southwest US; power; ideology; social memory; North America

Katherine S. Wander, Associate Professor

BA, The Ohio State University; MPH, PhD, University of Washington

Affiliated: Biomedical Anthropology Program; Institute for Justice and Well-Being (IJWB); Master of Public Health Program (MPH)

Specialty: Epidemiology and global health; infectious disease ecology; immune function; growth and development, nutrition; female circumcision; East Africa; West Africa

Thomas M. Wilson, Professor

BA, Fordham University; MA, New York University; MPhil, PhD, The City University of New York (CUNY)

Affiliated: Center for Korean Studies (CKS); Evolutionary Studies Program (EvoS)

Specialty: Political anthropology; international borders; European integration

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2011-2012

Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer, Associate Professor

BA, Oakland University; MA, University of Liverpool, MA Bowling Green State University; PhD, University of Minnesota

Specialty: Cultural anthropology