Basic Plan - Record of Significant Changes

Record of Annual Reviews / Significant Revisions

The CEMP goes through continuous, ongoing changes based on the results of actual events, post-exercise drills and activities, and input from units and departments tasked in this plan. 




Jan. 2011

D. Hubeny

Annual review of CEMP complete. Rewrite nearly complete.

Jan./Feb. 2012

D. Hubeny

Total CEMP Plan re-write.

April 2012

D. Hubeny

Annex L: Radio Communication Plan updated.

Aug. 2012

A. Helman

Annex F: National Weather Service – StormReady created.

Dec. 2012

A. Helman

Annex G: Campus Evacuation – Priority List created.

Feb. 2013

D. Hubeny

Annual review of CEMP performed.

Feb. 2013

D. Hubeny

Annex H: Continuity of Operations – Program Management created.

Sept. 2013

A. Helman

Annex I: Helicopter Landing Safety Plan created.

Jan. 2014

D. Hubeny

Annual review of CEMP performed.

Jan. 2014

D. Hubeny

Annex J: Crisis Communications Plan created.

Feb. 2014

D. Hubeny

Annex K: Delay or Cancellation of Classes created.

March 2014

D. Hubeny

Annex D: Emergency Alert System created (complete re-write of old plan).

March 2014

D. Hubeny

Annex E: Public Access Defibrillation plan inserted into CEMP.

Jan. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annual review of CEMP performed.

Sept. 2015

D. Hubeny

Reformatting of all sections.  Review of entire CEMP to include minor changes in multiple sections. Addition of several new functional and hazard-specific annexes.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

All annexes are renamed with a number “Annex 1, 2, 3, etc.” instead of a letter (A,B,C, etc.) to accommodate an increase in the amount of annexes.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 7: COOP plan updated to reflect the elimination of the Kuali Ready tool and to introduce a new, simpler spreadsheet.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 8: Left blank for future need.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 13: Left blank for future need.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 14: Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource Restoration (CIKR) plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 15: Damage Assessment plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 16: Active Shooter/Physical Threat annex created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 17: Dining Service Emergencies plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 18: Fire Safety plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 19: Domestic Travel Emergency plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 20: International Travel Emergency plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 21: Severe Weather and Earthquake plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 22: Shelter-in-Place plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 23: Fatality Management plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 24: Emergency Evacuation (Building/Campus) plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 25: Bomb Threat plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 26: Utility Failure plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Annex 27: Psychological First Aid for Disasters and Traumatic Events plan created.

Nov. 2015

D. Hubeny

Appendix D: ICS Forms – All forms updated to the latest FEMA version and instructions for completing each form have been included.

Jan. 2016

M. Keane

Annex 8 replaced with new section: Emergency Reporting.

Jan. 2016

D. Hubeny

New Annex 13 inserted: CEMP Compliance.

Jan. 2016

D. Hubeny

New signature pages inserted (with current signature from President Stenger).

Jan. 2016

D. Hubeny

Annex 12: Radio Communication Plan updated to reflect recent changes.

Jan. 2016

M. Keane

Concept of Operations updated with new ICP and cost-recovery language.

Jan. 2016

D. Hubeny

Overview section: Hazard Analysis requirements updated.

Jan. 2016

D. Hubeny

Overview section: Language for MACS inserted

Jan. 2016

D. Hubeny

Annual Review of CEMP completed. Page 3-4 signed and dated.

Jan. 2016

D. Hubeny

Annex 28: IMT contact list updated.