Debate Team senior members Bill Sebelle and Peter Fountain advanced to quarter-finals, the furthest has ever advanced at Cross-Examination Debate Association Nationals. The pair ranks within the top eight individual two-person teams in the nation. Fountain was ranked as the 17th best speaker out of a pool of 278 debaters, which represents the highest individual achievement has received at a national tournament. Meanwhile, Ann Kossachev was named part of CEDA’s First Academic All-American Team.
We have consolidated all of our University news sources into one location called BingUNews. Inside stories published through 2016 will remain available here. Stories published in 2017 and later will be found at BingUNews. Enjoy!
April 5, 2011
March 29, 2011
Sharon Santobuono, associate director of Watson Advising, was among the annual group of award winners in the Northeast Region of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). The Excellence in Academic Advising award was based upon nomination and letters of support from the home campus and was announced at the Northeast Regional Conference in Burlington, Vt.
March 29, 2011
Martin Bidney, professor emeritus of English and comparative literature, has published West-East Divan - The Poems, with “Notes and Essays”: Goethe’s Intercultural Dialogues (Albany: SUNY Press, 2010), translated, with commentary poems, by Bidney (“Notes and Essays” translation assisted by Peter Anton von Arnim), pp. liii + 474. The “Notes and Essays” have never before appeared in English.
Two seniors qualify for national debate tourney
March 8, 2011
’s Debate Team members Bill Sebelle and Peter Fountain, both seniors, qualified for the National Debate Tournament (NDT) at a tournament held at Western Connecticut University in February. This represents the seventh consecutive year has qualified to attend the most prestigious and longest-running tournament in the nation. The NDT takes place March 24-29, at the University of Texas at Dallas, following the Cross-Examination Debate Association’s (CEDA) National Tournament, March 18-22, at .
March 8, 2011
The Anderson Center and its acoustics are featured on Bryan Adams’ Bare Bones solo album. When Adams appeared at the Anderson Center on June 14, 2010, as part of his solo acoustic “Bare Bones” tour, he was so taken with the acoustics of the Osterhout Concert Theater that he asked to stay on after the show ended to re-record a few of the songs. As a result, eight out of 20 songs on that live album were recorded at the Anderson Center.
February 23, 2011
Scholar Maura McDevitt, an undergraduate majoring in English and political science, has had her paper, ”The Historical Transformation of Arthurian Literature”, accepted for presentation at the 2011 Northeast Regional Honors Conference in Portland, Me, March 31-Apr. 3.