Robyn Cope, assistant professor of romance languages and literatures, presented at the 27th Annual Haitian Studies Association Conference, “Haiti in the Global Environment: Presence, Representations, and Performances,” at the University of Montreal in Quebec, Canada, on Oct. 24. Leading Haiti scholars and activists from a wide range of disciplines gathered in Montreal, home to one of the largest Haitian Diaspora communities in the world, to consider Haiti both within and beyond its borders. Cope’s presentation, “Haiti in the World’s Eyes: Edwidge Danticat’s Claire of the Sea Light,” demonstrated how Danticat’s latest novel’s content and structure work together to balance singularity and universal human experience in a way that urges the World not only to see Haiti but also to see itself in Haiti.
We have consolidated all of our University news sources into one location called BingUNews. Inside stories published through 2016 will remain available here. Stories published in 2017 and later will be found at BingUNews. Enjoy!
October 30, 2015
October 20, 2015
Martin Bidney, professor emeritus of English and comparative literature, has published Shakespair: Sonnet Replies to the 154 Sonnets of William Shakespeare (Vestal NY: Dialogic Poetry Press, 2015), pp. xviii + 315, available from Amazon; see .
October 19, 2015
Ravi Palat’s book, The Making of an Indian Ocean World-Economy, 1250-1650: Princes, Paddy fields, and Bazaars, has been published by Palgrave Macmillan in the Studies in the Indian Ocean World series.
October 19, 2015
After a month of competition, ’s Debate Team is ranked second in the nation by the National Debate Tournament, and fourth in the nation according to the Cross-Examination Debate Association. To obtain these rankings, the team won the University of Mary Washington’s debate tournament and appeared in finals at both the Rutgers University debate tournament and Weber State’s Round Robin tournament. This represents the best competitive state for on a national level and the first time in the history of the organization that the team has been invited to attend a national round robin.
September 22, 2015
Art in Embassies has acquired “Cubist Couple,” a 2012 mixed media work by Professor of Art Ronald Gonzalez, for the U.S. Embassy’s collection in Benin, Africa. Gonzalez, a sculptor, assemblage and installation artist, is known for his bricolage figurative works.
August 31, 2015
Martin Bidney, professor emeritus of English and comparative literature, has published A Unifying Light: Lyrical Responses to the Qur’an (Dialogic Poetry Press: 2015), Vol. IV in his series East-West Bridge Builders, available from Amazon, xlvi + 181 pp., containing 140 original poems on Qur’anic passages. The book contains six illustrations by calligraphic painter-sculptor Shahid Alam.