Jian Zhou, associate professor in the School of Management, had the following papers accepted for the 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco in August: Ling Lei and Jian Zhou, “Audit Committee Characteristics and Auditor Dismissals following Internal Control Material Weaknesses”; Ken Chen, Gopal Krishnan and Jian Zhou, “Is There Less Earnings Management When There Are More Accounting Experts on the Audit Committee?”; Hsihui Chang, Sang-Hyun Suh, Edward M. Werner and Jian Zhou, “The Incremental Information Content of Discretionary Accruals to Predict Future Cash Flows and Explain Contemporaneous Returns in the Post-SOX Period”; and Heiwai Lee, Yan Alice Xie, Jian Zhou, “Underwriter Reputation and Earnings Management by IPO Firms.”
Jian Zhou
September 14, 2010