Elizabeth Brown, scholarly communications and library grants officer, gave four presentations on the new developments in scholarly publishing, library services for grants administration and planning, and a summary of SUNY library digital initiatives earlier this year. The talks were “Promoting Scholarship with Services, Programs and Publishing: the Evolution of Scholarly Communications at ” to the ACRL Western New York/Ontario spring 2010 meeting in May; “Open Science and Libraries” at the OpenSciNY Conference at New York University in May; an overview of “Grants Librarianship: Coordination and Planning in Your Library and Beyond” as part of a session on Grants Librarianship at the Special Libraries Association 2010 annual meeting in June; and “Digital Initiatives, Capitalizing on Experience Throughout SUNY,” presented as part of the Power of Tuesday Series of webinars for SUNY librarians in June.
Elizabeth Brown
October 12, 2010