

Learning about the Art Museum


We welcome individuals and groups to the ßÙßÇÂþ»­ Art Museum to join us for guided tours, school-day field trips, events and more. If you are interested in scheduling a guided tour, school field trip or special event at the museum please contact Amanda Lynn, Coordinator of Education and Public Programs at alynn1@binghamton.edu or 607-777-2634. Additional information for University Faculty and Students, Schools and Educators, Families and Community Organizations are below. 

The Museum is free and open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 12-4pm with extended hours on Thursdays from 12-7pm. 

University Faculty
  • Guided Tours: course-related tours typically take place during the week and vary in length. Tours may be general in nature – visiting the Main, Mezzanine and Lower Galleries, followed by a Q&A with a museum staff member. Alternatively, tours may focus on a particular theme or exhibition, which may be led by the museum curator or director. To request a guided tour please contact Amanda Lynn, Coordinator of Education and Public Programs at alynn1@binghamton.edu or 607-777-2634. 
  • The Lindsay Study Room: the study room provides opportunities for students and professors to study any object from the permanent collection. Professors may also reserve the Study Room to hold a class to view artwork, or may request that several works of art be put on display for a short time for students to examine. Reservations for the Lindsay Room must be made at least a week in advance. Class size is limited to 20 students. To make a reservation, please contact Silvia Ivanova, Museum Registrar at ivanova@binghamton.edu or 607-777-4763. 
  • Special Requests: To arrange a special tour, a class or propose a course-related exhibition, contact the director, Diane Butler, at 607-777-3252 or dbutler@binghamton.edu.

University Students
  • Student Employment: For student employment, contact Cynthia Riley at 607-777-2968 or criley@binghamton.edu.
  • Museum Internships: In collaboration with the Fleishman Center's Career Development Centralized Internship (CDCI) program, the ßÙßÇÂþ»­ Art Museum offers a variety of lively internship opportunities for students on campus to engage in projects related to curating, collections management, public programming, education, engagement, social media, graphic design and videography. Offered every fall and spring, the 2-credit course allows students to gain practical hands-on experience in museum careers at the ßÙßÇÂþ»­ Art Museum. Interns develop marketable skills and learn about the professional nature of the workplace, reflecting on that knowledge in a seminar setting. In addition to the course, interns are expected to work 60 hours over the course of the semester. Internship positions advertised through in the fall and spring. If you are interested in applying for an internship or have questions about a specific internship position please contact the museum director, Diane Butler at dbutler@binghamton.edu or 607-777-3252.
  • Resident Assistants: The Museum offers guided tours, pop-up art events at residence halls and hands-on art experiences at the museum. If you are interested in coordinating an event for your residence hall please contact Amanda Lynn, Coordinator of Education and Public Program at alynn1@binghamton.edu or 607-777-2634. 

Schools and Educators

To make a reservation (plan at least 3 weeks in advance) 
Please note, registrations are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis. We will do our best to accommodate each school reservation. If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Lynn at 607-777-2634 or alynn1@binghamton.edu.


For Families

The museum offers guided tours, events and art-making opportunities for families. If you’d like to visit the museum, please contact Amanda Lynn at alynn1@binghamton.edu or 607-777-2634. For more information on museum events and on our upcoming Family Day on May 6 please visit our Events page.

Community Organizations

We welcome community groups to the museum on a regular basis. If you are interested in visiting, coordinating an event at the museum, or collaborating on a special initiative please contact Amanda Lynn at alynn1@binghamton.edu or 607-777-2634. 

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in volunteering at the museum please contact Amanada Lynn at alynn1@binghamton.edu or 607-777-2634.