The Course Listing Component pulls course data from the upon page publish. It can be used to display either a list of specific courses, or
a list of all courses for a particular subject.
Please note: the catalog does not list current term descriptions for Topics courses.
- Course ID(s) - a comma separated list of Course IDs following the format SUBJ_CODE-CRSE_NUM (for example:
- Subject Code - a single Subject Code (ex. ACCT)
- Entering a subject code will override anything in the courses field
- Republish the page to refresh the data
ACCT 211 - Financial Accounting
Basic concepts and methodology of financial accounting, including an introduction
into the rules and tools used by financial accountants, with an analysis of major
accounts within the chart of accounts. Includes an examination of the accounting environment,
ethical issues and practice problems for the financial accountant. 4 credits. Prerequisite:
sophomore standing. Offered fall and spring semesters. Occasionally offered in the
winter or summer terms.
Levels: Undergraduate
ACCT 212 - Managerial Accounting
Introduction to managerial accounting. Accounting as an informational system to
provide managers with the basis for decision making. Includes basic CVP analysis,
job and process costing, standard costing and variance analysis, as well as specific
situational decision-making matrices. Not open to accounting students. 4 credits.
Prerequisite: ACCT 211. Offered fall and spring semesters
Levels: Undergraduate