MS in Information Systems: Applied Data Science Track

Any student in the MSIS program may specialize in applied data science. This track has two required courses and two electives. These courses will replace four electives from the general MSIS program. 

Required courses

Complete the two required courses:

  • INFO 535 Applied Data Mining
  • INFO 536 Applied Machine Learning

Elective courses

Complete two of the following electives:

  • INFO 505 Software Project Management
  • INFO 533 Web Based Information Retrieval and Search
  • INFO 537 Tools for Data Science
  • INFO 554 Data Analytics for Security
  • INFO 558 Web and Database Security
  • INFO 559 Information Systems Security
  • INFO 561 Large Language Models: Foundations & Applications
  • CS 515 Social Media Data Science Pipeline
  • CS 580P Introduction to Natural Language Processing