Major Requirements

History Requirements

The History major requires a minimum of 40 credits, including the following:

  • Current history students must take at least six courses (24 credits) at the 300-level or above



One course each in any three distinct world regions (eg. Europe; United States; Americas/Caribbean; East & South Asia; Middle East) 


One course in Global or Comparative history


HIST 257-History Methods & Practices

Must be taken in residence.

One 400-level History seminar


Four additional history courses

Note: Students pursuing the SUNY Transfer Path in History should fulfill one of these requirements with an approved Transfer Path course, which may not overlap other transfer path courses.



IMPORTANT - Please note the following rules:

  • Advanced Placement credit does not count toward the major

  • No more than four courses may be transferred from other academic institutions for credit toward the major

  • 100-level courses taken after a student has achieved junior credit standing will NOT count toward a major in History

  • No more than four 100-level courses (including a maximum of 9 total credits for courses numbered 101, 102, 103, and 104) may be used to satisfy the requirements for the major

  • No more than one course of HIST 397 (Independent Study) may be used to satisfy the total requirements for the major

  • Only one course taken under the P/F option will be credited to the major

  • HIST 395 (History Internship) can count as 4 credits toward the major

  • Courses taken in the Graduate School of Education cannot be counted toward the major

  • Honors courses (History 498-499) cannot be applied toward the major. They must be taken over and above the 10 required courses

  • The History Department views the grade of D as passing but unsatisfactory. Courses passed with a grade of D do not fulfill requirements for the major

Thematic Focuses:

The Department of History and other academic units at ßÙßÇÂþ»­ offer an array of courses on many different historical topics. History majors can easily craft an area of thematic focus while otherwise fulfilling the regional and upper-level requirements. Here are just some of the topics and themes that history majors can examine from a comparative and cross-cultural perspective.

  • Environment and Animals
  • Colonialism and Imperialism
  • War and Revolution
  • Atrocity and Genocide
  • Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity
  • Women, Gender, and Sexuality
  • Science and Technology
  • Medicine and Public Health
  • Politics, Law, and Legal Culture
  • Labor and Economy
  • Civil and Human Rights
  • Public and Digital History

Important Forms:


Undergraduate Director:
Heather Welland
Library Tower, 712

Fall 2024 Office Hours:

T & W 10-11