ßÙßÇÂþ»­ Us


  • Lectures, workshops and symposia related to Asia
  • Creation of linkages between Asian businesses, educational institutions, NGOs, governmental organizations and ßÙßÇÂþ»­
  • Asian cultural awareness workshops
  • Community-wide Asian cultural events
  • Asian American community-based research and data collection
  • Adult/community education on Asia
  • Faculty specialists

Current Activity

  • Enable the expansion of Asian and Asian American Studies Program research capacity and the formulation of research themes with Institute faculty
  • Collaborate with the Office of Continuing Education to offer virtual education training programs focused on Asia
  • Organize a city-wide cultural event in collaboration with Greater ßÙßÇÂþ»­ Asian American civic groups and the Mayor’s Office
  • Establish relations with Greater ßÙßÇÂþ»­ high schools and Asian American civic groups
  • Cultivate pivotal relationships with high schools and universities in Asia
    Provide educational programs such as working papers series and seminars open to the public

Future Plans

  • Develop a program of research and academic activity related to Asian and Asian American Studies
  • Establish enduring relations with New York and Asian based business, city-state, unions, non-governmental organizations and development entities with ongoing programming and demonstrated social and economic development
  • Foster pivotal relationships with academic institutions and businesses located in Asia
  • Approach foundations to interest them in sponsoring IAAD activities