Minor Requirements

Global Studies Minor Requirements

The building blocks of the GSM are:

  1. A cross-cultural exploration experience achieved through one of the following:
    • Study abroad
    • Residency in for international students
    • Online research and virtual “fieldwork” about a target culture
  2. Language study and use
  3. Global Studies course sequence and coursework from ’s internationalized curriculum

We will help you select which courses you can use to fulfill the requirements from the following categories:

  • A: Language study/use (3-credits)

    Can be satisfied by 3 credits from:

    1. A foreign language course at the intermediate level (200+) beyond your GenEd requirement, OR
    2. A second foreign language at the 100+ level, OR
    3. An ELI course (only for international students who have the Gen Ed foreign language requirement waived), OR
    4. LxC (Languages across the Curriculum) courses
  • B: Global/International/Cross-Cultural Content (8-credits)

    These courses must be beyond the 8-credit General Education Creating a Global Vision requirement (which includes 4-credits of Global Interdepencies ‘G’ and 4-credits of Pluralism in the US ‘P’ courses). The principal content of these non-language courses must be devoted to cross-cultural, international and/or global issues or areas.

    Courses that count in this category are identified by the GSM program and can come from a wide variety of disciplines and schools - in addition to those offered by Harpur College. No more than one course in this category may be at the 100 level.

  • C: Additional Global/International Content and/or Language study/use (6 - 8 credits)
    These credits must be at the 200-level or above.
  • D. Global Studies Sequence and Capstone-Related Coursework

    D1: 390 - Introduction to Global Studies (1-credit)

    A one-credit online course (asynchronous; P/F) taken during the intersession prior to the first semester as a GSM minor. Students must first declare the GSM in order to take GLST 390 and 392.

    D2: 392 – Cross-cultural research methods (1-credit)

    A one-credit online course (asynchronous; P/F) that introduces students to a variety of relevant research methods and the importance of intercultural competence. As an interdisciplinary program, students will combine methodological approaches relevant to their major(s) to aid in developing a Capstone project.

    D3: Globally-Connected/Capstone-Related Focus course (3 - 4 credits)

    • Students who are able to go on study abroad programs must enroll in a program abroad with a minimum duration of four weeks, and while abroad, students must complete at least one 3- or 4-credit course to satisfy this requirement.*
    • International students will use an applicable course from their studies at University to fulfill this requirement. 
    • Students who are not able to go abroad may complete a 3- or 4-credit course at University focused on a host country they would have liked to have studied abroad in. Additionally, a course focusing on global aspects connected to a student’s existing major or to their potential GLST Capstone Project may also qualify.

    * Students may use other courses taken abroad to fulfill a portion of requirements A, B or C above. No more than nine credits taken abroad may be credited toward the minimum of 24 credits required for the Global Studies Minor.

    D4: 490A – Global Studies Capstone Seminar (2 or 4 credits)

    A two-credit course which is the culmination of the Global Studies sequence and is taken the semester immediately following GLST 392. The central focus of this course is a  signature research Capstone project that will build on the work you have accomplished in GLST 390/392. GLST 490 is only open to enrolled GSM minors. GLST 490B can be taken for 4-credits with permission of the department only.