Non-Employee Travel

In certain circumstances, may reimburse travel costs incurred by non-employees traveling on college related business. Non-employees may be reimbursed up to the rates that are available to employees and follow all of the same NYS Travel guidelines except the 30 day travel voucher submission rule.

Travel reimbursements to non-employees of the State of New York are processed through a Non-Employee Travel Voucher, signed by the traveler (in the Payee Certification section) and the person on Campus serving as the authorizer for the travel expense to be reimbursed (in the Supervisor's Certification section). The payee or department should complete the voucher to specify the exact purpose for the payment, as well as dates of the activity. All original receipts should be stapled to the completed Non-Employee Travel Voucher, along with the documentation that explains the nature of the visit and its benefit to University (flyer, itinerary, agenda, etc.). This information should be forwarded to the Business Office for processing.

Non-Employee Travel Training Video and Powerpoint

Non-Employee Travel Training Presentation

No R&As needed for Non-Employees Travel!

The approval flow for non-employee travel will be the signatures and funding account(s) on the Non-Employee Travel Voucher. Please attach an e-mail trail from the person who is allowing the expenditure of your NYS funds allowing the traveler to “travel” and be reimbursed.  Please be specific to traveler, dates and travel destinations. You will still need the traveler to sign the Travel Voucher, provide a payee ID (can be a social security number or valid US Driver’s License) and address. The person who is allowing the expenditure of the NYS funds also needs to sign the Travel Voucher as Supervisor. Don’t forget to include the 8 digit NYS funding account number(s) in the cost center unit box on the bottom left. Without this, we cannot process the reimbursement.

Types of non-employee travel include candidate's traveling for interviews, travel by students, and travel by vendors including lecturers, evaluators, reviewers and those receiving honorariums.