Physics BS Degrees
The department offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics for students who want recognition of increased concentration in Physics. The BS degree in physics requires the same physics courses and math courses as with the BA degree, plus an additional three full courses in Physics and one in Chemistry:
PHYS 121/122 (or 131/132) | PHYS 210* |
PHYS 227 | PHYS 271* |
PHYS 323 | PHYS 327 |
PHYS 331 | PHYS 332 |
PHYS 341 | PHYS 321 |
MATH 224/225 | MATH 226/227 |
MATH 323 | MATH 324 or MATH 371 |
PHYS 411 | PHYS 422 |
PHYS 429 | CHEM 111 (or 107/108 or 104/105/106) |
*PHYS 210 and PHYS 271 are required beginning Fall 2024
The Department Manual (for your incoming year) may be helpful.
For more detailed information about a BA in Physics, please consult the University Bulletin (arrival prior to Fall 2024) or the (arrival in Fall 2024 or later) or contact the Undergraduate Director.
BS Degree – Applied Physics
For the student planning a career in applied physics, engineering physics, engineering, geophysics, materials science or other areas of engineering, the department offers the Bachelor of Science degree in Physics with an emphasis in Applied Physics.
The program of study for this degree represents a modification of the traditional BS in physics. The requirements to earn the BS – Applied Physics degree are similar to the BS degree plus an additional 12 credits taken from the following list of required elective courses:
Elective Courses
Six of the nine required 300- and 400-level PHYS courses must be taken in residence
at ßÙßÇÂþ».
BS Degree –Mathematical Physics
For students interested in pursuing graduate education or careers in mathematical physics, or other theoretically oriented fields of physical science, the department offers an emphasis in mathematical physics. Students interested in this degree should contact the Undergraduate Director in the Physics Department as soon as possible.
The 18 courses required for this degree are:
One additional PHYS course at the 400 level. One of these courses may be substituted
by a MATH course numbered 375 or above, with the approval of the Physics Department
undergraduate director.
Students are encouraged to take laboratory courses in physics, as these courses may broaden their opportunities in graduate schools. Six of the nine 300- and 400-level PHYS courses required for the completion of the degree must be taken in residence at ßÙßÇÂþ».
BA/BS Starting in Sophomore Year
Prior to the junior year, the student must have taken PHYS 121/122 (or 131/132), MATH 323 and, if possible, MATH 324 or MATH 371 (or 324). Candidates for the BS degree should have also completed CHEM 111 (or CHEM 107/108, or CHEM 104/105/106).
The programs for the junior and senior years are identical to those prescribed in the next section for transfer students from two-year colleges.
BA/BS After the Two Year Degree
The Department has secured its curriculum so that the graduate of a two-year college may complete a BA or BS degree program in two additional years. It is assumed that such students have completed the equivalent of two semesters of general physics and three semesters of calculus by the time of enrollment. If they have not, an additional semester or two may be necessary. A general physics course with a weekly three-hour laboratory normally satisfies the equivalent of PHYS 121, PHYS 122 and PHYS 227; although the student must still complete the total required number of physics courses for the degree. If the student is working for the BS degree, it is also important that as many general education requirements as possible be fulfilled at the two-year school.
Please contact the Undergraduate Director for more information.
Undergraduate Program Director
Wei-Cheng Lee
Office: SN 2013
Phone: (607) 777-3853