Careers in Psychology

Looking Beyond ßÙßÇÂþ»­

The resources on this page will help you determine what types of careers are available with a psychology degree; to get more information about those positions; and to learn more about what further education might be needed to achieve those goals.

In addition to these resources, feel free to visit the Psychology Academic Advisor to discuss your post-graduation plans and career options. You can schedule an appointment through B-Successful.

Harpur Edge Psychology Career Resource Drive

Psychology Advising hosts informational workshops and events throughout the academic year. An archive of recordings from recent presentations, along with Career Exploration Guides, can be found on the

*Remember to check your email for listserv announcements about upcoming career presentations!

General Psychology Information

Use the following links to explore the many sub-fields in psychology and learn about the different careers and research being done in the field. These can help address the following question: Is a Psychology major right for you? What kind of training programs are there? What careers do people with a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in Psychology work in? What type of work would you have to put in for those degrees?

  • (Career Fields and Schools)

Career Options

Use the following links to explore different careers in Psychology. Information such as salaries, job expectations, and market demand for psychology-related jobs is also included.

  • Fleishman Center for Career: This campus resource has information on graduate programs, GREs, careers in science, résumé building and job-hunting, as well as guides to online resources. They can also help you find internships, which provide excellent experience for your résumé.

Graduate School Information

Below are some resources to help you explore your choices for graduate school. If you are planning to pursue a master's or doctoral degree, keep in mind the career or field that you are planning on specializing in.

Getting Into Grad School

Along with having exceptional grades, students should also consider the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), costs of attendance and living, workload, and recommendation letters.

  • l (APA video series)

Specific Areas of Interest

Book Resources

Check out these books from the University Library, or buy your own copy for additional information and guidance. 

  • Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
  • Careers in Psychology: Opportunities in a Changing World
  • Surviving Graduate School in Psychology: A Pocket Mentor
  • Graduate Study in Psychology