Wendie Choudary is a public sociologist with an emphasis on urban sociology and social demography. Broadly speaking, Choudary’s work focuses on the impact of place on social inequalities. Choudary’s applied, public and traditional research has spanned topics of gentrification and affordable housing, people with disabilities, sunbelt cities, bankruptcy and unemployment, and U.S. immigration, integration and settlement patterns. Choudary's work also covers various levels of scope, including individual, neighborhood, county, zip-code and metropolitan areas.
Choudary’s research has been published with Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, in Social Sciences, and the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.
Select Publications, Conferences and Invited Talks:
2023: Choudary, Wendie. “Metropolitan Context, Entrepreneurial Formation, and Asian NOGs: Examining the Many "Faces and Places" of Asian Immigrants.” Poster Presented at Population Association of America Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-15.
2020: Fulton, William, Shelly Hazle, Wendie Choudary, and Stephen Sherman. “The Urban Sun Belt: An Overview.” Report. Kinder Institute for Urban Research, Rice University. Houston, TX. ().
2019: Choudary, Wendie. “Neighborhood Gentrification across Harris County: 1990 to 2016.” Paper Presented at Urban Affairs Association Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 24-27.
2018: Friedman, Samantha, Kaya Hamer-Small, Wendie Choudary. “Disability Status, Housing Tenure, and Residential Attainment in Metropolitan America.” Social Sciences 7(9):144
2018: Choudary, Wendie. National Public Radio (NPR), Houston Public Media, Interview featured on “Houston Matters,” December 18th.
2015: Acosta, Yesenia and Wendie Choudary. "Characteristics of the Foreign-Born Population from the Largest Country of Birth Groups by Region of Birth: 2013." Poster Presentation at Southern Demographic Association in San Antonio, TX. October 14-16.
2013: Fitzpatrick, Kevin M., Wendie Choudary, Anne Kearney, and Bettina Piko. “Risk, Assets, and Negative Health Behaviors among Arkansas’ Hispanic Adolescents.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 35(3): 428-460.
2012: Choudary, Wendie N. and Kevin Fitzpatrick. 2012. “Ecology of Philanthropy: Community Composition, Health, and Charitable Giving in the United States.” Paper Presentation at American Sociological Association Meeting, Denver, CO. August 17-20.
- PhD(c), Sociology, University at Albany, State University of New York
- M.A., Sociology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
- B.A., Sociology and Anthropology, Minor in Gender Studies, Hendrix College
Research Interests
- Community and urban sociology
- U.S. immigration and integration
- Population and society