EDUC 600+
Note: These courses are for the Educational Leadership Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) and Doctorate of Education (EdD), and available only by consent of the instructor.
EDUC 601. Contemporary Philosophical and Social Issues in Education
Examination of philosophical assumptions that inform educational practice and policy. Exploration of important relationships, including the connections between educational theory and practice, knowledge and human interests, democracy and education, and diversity and community. Theorizing is made meaningful to practitioners as they analyze contemporary educational issues not only through the writings of distinguished philosophers and social theorists, but also through their own critical frameworks. (EdD)
EDUC 602. Curriculum Theories, Designs and Evaluation
Examination of curriculum as a field of study. Primary focus on alternative theories and implications for content and form of curriculum. Issues relating to purposes, selection, organization, differentiation and evaluation of curriculum. Exploration of current practice in curriculum with reference to issues of diversity and equity, conceptions of literacy and the work of teachers and administrators. (EdD)
EDUC 603. Theories of Learning and Instructional Design
Exploration of the psychological and epistemological foundations of curriculum and instruction, relationship between learning and cognitive development, role of historical and conceptual analysis in the design of school subjects. Students are expected to apply learning theory to instructional design and pedagogical practice. (EdD)
EDUC 604. Integrative Doctoral Seminar on Reflective Practice
Exploration of students' own philosophies of education in relation to their own fields of study and research interests. Students address broad questions related to the political and social contexts for teaching and learning, ways of knowing and teaching, curriculum problems and ethical considerations. (EdD)
EDUC 606. Curriculum Leadership
Exploration of standards-based and alternative approaches to developing, organizing, implementing, supervising, and evaluating PreK-12 curricula. Emphasis on interactions among curriculum, instruction, and assessment. (CAS)
EDUC 607. Education Law and Ethics
Overview of legal principles governing PreK-12 schools and districts. Constitutional and decisional law, statute, and regulations. Emphasis on ethical leadership that promotes equity and justice. (CAS)
EDUC 608. School Finance and Business Operations
Concepts and tools needed to understand, manage, and improve school business operations, budgeting, and resources. Leaders' fiscal responsibilities are situated in the context of state and federal education finance systems. (CAS)
EDUC 609. Assessment for Student Learning & School Improvement
Examination of multiple purposes for, and means of assessing student learning. Emphasis on implications for the support of diverse learners. Analysis and interpretation of student data for instructional, program, and school improvement. (CAS)
EDUC 610. Collaboration with Diverse Stakeholders
This course will ask participants to identify and learn about collaboration with a range of school stakeholders, including: parents and caregivers; community organizations and businesses; policy makers, such as the Board of Education; faculty and staff; and legislators. Participants will learn about reasons for and methods of involving stakeholders in schools. Participants will learn how to respond to and influence the political, economic, legal, and cultural context within a district. Knowledge of advocacy strategies, public relations methods, and relationship building skills will prepare the administrator to use this information to promote the success of all students. (CAS)
EDUC 611. Special Program Leadership
This course allows candidates to focus on a particular school program, including, but not limited to early childhood, literacy, special education, arts, technology, physical education, English as a new language, pupil personnel, or staff development. In a combination seminar and on-line course format the participant will use case study methodology to investigate specific principles, mandates, funding, organizing, staffing and best practice concerning their area of interest. (CAS)
EDUC 620. The Research Process in Education
Exploration of multiple approaches to educational research. Examination of the nature and quality of descriptive and causal research studies, and qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Analysis of educational policies and practices using ethnographic, critical theory, sociological, experimental, and historical research. Introduction to meta-analysis. This course will be offered every fall semester. (EdD)
EDUC 621. Seminar on Quantitative Research
Development of students' quantitative research skills, especially in exploratory data analysis, graphing, presentation of evidence, and multiple regression. Examination of diverse methods and designs, e.g., observational, survey, correlational, and experimental research. Application of techniques to current educational issues; understanding the role data play in research and policy-making. Emphasis on real-world data and student projects. Prerequisite: EDUC 620. (EdD)
EDUC 622. Seminar on Qualitative Research
Examination of qualitative approaches to and criteria for problem posing, research design, data collection, theory construction, interpretation and evaluation. Analysis of a range of theoretical constructs (such as constructivism, phenomenology, critical theory). Effects on styles of qualitative research, such as case studies, descriptive research, evaluation research, ethnography and action/participatory research. Prerequisite: EDUC 620. (EdD)
EDUC 623. Philosophical Foundations of Educational and Social Research
Consideration of various philosophical foundations of educational and social research, including post-modernism, feminism, positivism and critical theory. Focus on analysis of the attributes of various forms of knowledge, particularly the ways of deriving and validating knowledge, and how the conduct of educational and social research is influenced by differing philosophical foundations. (EdD)
EDUC 626. Advanced Qualitative Research Seminar
This course is designed to help students become proficient in qualitative research methods and centers on conceptualizing and designing good qualitative studies. Students will develop a conceptual frame for their research questions, design a proposal and begin data collection. The goal for students is to gain an understanding of how to design and conduct a qualitative study within a particular qualitative tradition. Prerequisites: EDUC 620, 622 (EdD)
EDUC 627. Seminar in Mixed Methods Research
This course is designed to familiarize students with the concepts, purposes, and methods that are fundamental to conducting mixed research studies. A strong focus will be placed on the complementary nature of qualitative and quantitative methodologies for mixed methods studies. Prerequisites: EDUC 620, 621, 622. (EdD)
EDUC 672. Processes of Supervision and Staff Development
Exploration of literature on: adult learners and the impact of race, gender and class on them; nature of practical knowledge; supervision and staff development as educative processes. Exploration of professional development through an analyzed sequence of face-to-face conferences and group sessions. (CAS)
EDUC 673. Leadership in Educational Settings
Emphasis on the role of educators as instructional innovators and change-agents within complex educational organizations. Focus on nature and implementation of educational leadership. Students are involved in the development and analysis of leadership strategies to effect systems change. (CAS)
EDUC 674. Literacy in School and Society
Examination of current issues in literacy (verbal, visual and technological). Overview of current literacy theory; literacy and literacy instruction in a socio-historical context. Functional literacy, aesthetic literacy, aliteracy, illiteracy, cross-cultural literacy patterns. Students critique current literacy practices, programs research and policy within and beyond schools. Emphasis on political and multicultural realities of schools and literacies that are valued (or devalued) in educational theory and practice. Connections among social, historical, philosophical and psychological foundations of literacy as they deconstruct current practice. Course includes a collaborative research project. (EdD)
EDUC 675. Planning and Policy Development in Education
Examination of the demographic, political and social contexts of planning and policy making. Students are expected to identify and examine in depth one or more planning and policy issues by using the techniques, methods and disciplinary constructs of their academic or professional fields. (CAS)
EDUC 676. Special Education and School Reform
Examination and critical review of current professional literature and practices in special education. Policy and planning initiatives are considered, emphasizing closer alignments with regular education. (EdD)
EDUC 677. Writing for Scholarship in Education
Exploration of theory, research and practice related to the writing process and the educator as writer. Study of the writer's craft, including issues of voice, audience, critical analysis and revision, conventions and style, editing, peer review and collaborations are a major focus. Students select their own educational topics or issues, and have intensive practice in writing workshop and experience in writing for professional publication. Students are expected to write and submit a conference proposal and two articles for publication in peer reviewed journals. (EdD)
EDUC 679. History of American Education
This course will allow the student to explore the historical complexity of American education. In addition to discussing various historical issues, students will consider the ways these historical events have determined current educational policy and practice. Some of the issues that will be considered are early history of schooling, the experiences of ethnic minority groups, the political battles that have raged over education, and the history of various reform movements in education. (EdD)
EDUC 680. Special Topics in Education (2-4 credits)
Various topics in education, offered according to interest and need. Students examine research and other professional literature related to the topic and present research/position papers for critical discussion and response.
EDUC 680N. Critical Literacy
This course will provide opportunities for students to reflect critically on a wide range of literacies, with opportunity for each student to choose a specific area of focus (such as a specific content area, country, grade level, or out-of-school realm like advertising). The course is designed for students with or without backgrounds in literacy/critical literacies. (EdD)
EDUC 691. Teaching Practicum (1-4 credits)
May not be applied toward credit for degree. Registration by consent of student's advisor and Doctoral Coordinator(s).
EDUC 692. Internship (variable credit)
Students engage in a practicum in a professional education setting. Drawing on doctoral coursework and previous professional experiences, the internship emphasizes problem solving in the schools or other educational settings. Registration requires written proposal approved in advance by instructor and student's advisor.
EDUC 697. Independent Study (1-4 credits)
Written proposal approved in advance by the instructor and student's advisor.
EDUC 698. Pre-dissertation Research (1-9 credits/semester)
Independent reading and/or research in preparation for comprehensive examination for admission to EdD candidacy, and/or preparation of dissertation prospectus. May not be applied toward course credits for degree. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
EDUC 699. Dissertation (1-9 credits/semester)
Research and preparation of the dissertation. Prerequisite: formal admission to state of candidate for EdD degree. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
EDUC 700. Continuous Registration (1 credit/semester)
Required of inactive students who wish to maintain matriculated status. No credit toward degree requirements.
EDUC 707. Research Skills (1-4 credits)
Development of research skills required for graduate study. May not be applied to course credits for any graduate degree. Prerequisite: approval of relevant graduate program director or department chair and student's advisor.