Doctoral Student Advisor/Committee Form
This form is intended to document the formation of and all changes to an advisor or
committee composition, including both the program and dissertation committee. This
should be submitted to the doctoral coordinator for approval and will be filed in
the student's academic file in the Student Services office.
This form should be completed during an advising meeting by the end of the first academic
year (full-time students) or by the end of the third semester of coursework (part-time
students). Once the form has been completed and signed, submit the form to the doctoral
coordinators for review and signature. Plans of study will be filed in student files
by the
Student Services secretary for future reference.
Independent Study Guidelines
An independent study is an individualized, self-directed learning experience in which
graduate students develop in-depth knowledge in a particular area of education through
focused and purposeful study. Review these guidelines for independent studies prior
completing the Independent Study Agreement.
Independent Study Agreement
Prior to registering for an independent study, students are required to have an approved
Independent Study Agreement. Students are encouraged to develop this agreement in
collaboration with the supervising faculty member. All independent studies must result
some tangible product (e.g., paper, media, publication, web resources) that will be
presented to the instructor of record/faculty sponsor.
Independent Study Log
Students are encouraged to complete an independent study log to document their progress
throughout the semester.
Graduate School Recommendation for Admission to Candidacy for Doctoral Degree
Graduate School Recommendation for Admission to Candidacy for Doctoral Degree (ABD Status)
Following the comprehensive exam defense meeting in which the student successfully
passes the comprehensive exam, the committee chair will forward the Graduate School
Recommendation for Admission to Candidacy for Doctoral Degree form to the doctoral
coordinator. This form will be forwarded to the Graduate School.